Contact Us

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9104 Westport Rd
Louisville, KY


(502) 425-6770


[email protected]

Business Hours

  • Monday

    Appointments only

  • Tuesday

    10:00am – 02:00pm

  • Wednesday - Thursday

    Appointments only

  • Friday

    02:00pm – 03:30pm

  • Saturday


  • Sunday

    09:30am – 12:00 pm


9104 Westport Rd
Louisville, KY 40242, US

About Us

Our members invite others to join our congregation. We want to broaden our efforts to put our faith into action. Members and visitors stay after worship to visit with one another. We enjoy getting to know visitors as much as connecting with long-time members. You will be warmly welcomed when you attend John Knox! We follow Jesus when we show hospitality to others.

© 2024 John Knox Presbyterian Church
